
Hi ! I'm Deepak Krishna :)

I am a Mechanical Engineer by education currently working as a Program Manager in a start up focused on renewable energy. I work on building new products. Strategic Sourcing and Supply Chain Management are some the skills I have acquired over the time spent working.

I love tastefully built products with a great eye for design which delights the users and makes them keep coming back to it.

This blog is something that has been in the making for years. By years I obviously meant the vast amount of time spent in dilemma to even build a one, as if there are dearth of opinions in the online world. But hey, how do you even measure progress of a person if you don't read back on what they thought and felt about something.

I spend considerate amount of time pondering about my existence and constantly thinking whether am I actually making a difference. In the time left, I am in the eternal quest of trying to read more , play more and watch more movies made across the world.